French officer museum

French officer uniform and history from 1918 to 1940.

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French officer museum.

This online museum:

  • depicts French officer uniform between WW1 and WW2.
  • witnesses military careers of French officers who died for France or devoted their life to the Army.
  • trace the French Army history during interwar period.
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Why this online museum about the French officer?

  • military history, when not linked to a period of conflict, is the subject of very little study.
  • the military themselves are not familiar with military history. And yet, « He who does not know history is doomed to revive it. »
  • The 22 years lived by the French Army from 1918 to 1940 are often recounted under the unique prism of the defeat of 1940.

 What? This online military museum on the French officer therefore has four main objectives:

  • Better publicize the period, located between two major conflicts, but oh so rich in events.
  • To make better known the social life of the French officer of this troubled period.
  • Describe and illustrate the outfit described in the Official Bulletin of May 28, 1931.
  • Trace the career and honor the memory of anonymous officers or not.

How is each page dealing with the history and the uniform of the French officer structured?

  • The Army transformations during the period.
  • The description of the French officer uniforms.
  • Period iconography.
  • Items attributed or not.
  • Location and historical regiments.
  • Description and illustration of the full dress uniforme based on the official bulletin of May 28, 1931.
  • Careers of French officers during this period.
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As any physical museum, the french officier uniform and history museum has its own shop, offering a selection of books on the theme.

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